Monday, November 30, 2009

And the ocean of imagination.

Welcome to 'From The Depths' , my new sketch blog!

Some of you may be wondering why I have created a blog when I have a website that I could be updating instead? Well the answer is - The site as it is now, everything has to be updated via good old annoying HTML. I cant actually code and so its done using dreamweaver. It seems whenever I updated the blog the layout would just get messed up.

In an attempt to fix this there is a new website on the way being created by the talented Mark Wasyl from fame. It's taking me a little while to actually get all the content together and info and I wanted to create this blog so I could constantly share what I am doing with who ever is interested.

So to start it off here is a few sketches I did this week. They're just completely random.
Enjoy. :)


  1. Love the new blog name, as well as this post's title. :D And, of course, you know that I love the sketches. There's never a doubt of that. :) I'm really looking forward to seeing the future works you are going to be posting here!

  2. Thanks John, I am pretty excited about it too.
    Its pretty awesome just having a simple plain blogger. I can just completely focus on writing a blog post and sharing artwork, rather than worrying about a website design..

    Not that I am giving up on it.. Its coming!
